Thursday, May 1, 2014

Negative and Interrogative Sentences

So far we have learned how to state a fact on our sentences. Now we are going to see how we make an interrogative sentence and how we make negative sentences.


Fairly easy.. When it comes to POLITE and CASUAL form, we simply add the question mark at the end of the sentence.

먹어요 => I am eating
먹어요? => Are you eating?

Now for the FORMAL form all we have to do is
1) drop the -다 from the ㅂ니다/습니다
2) and add -까? in its place

갑니다 => I am going
갑니까? => Are you going?


There are 2 ways to form negative sentences. It's all a matter of which of the two ways seems more convenient to you~

안 + verb/adjective

You conjugate like you've learned so far and you simply add 안 in front.

안 먹어요 => I am not eating
갑니다 => I am not going

verb stem+ 지 않다

As the above pattern shows, you take the verb stem (remember how we get this, right?) and add 지. Then you conjugate 않다 depending on the tense you want to use.

가지 않습니다 => I am not going
가지 않아요 => I am not going
가지 않았어요 => I didn't go
가지 않을 거예요  => I will not go
and so forth...~


For 이다 and 있다 the negative form is a completely another word.
So don't try and conjugate them ^_^

이다 => 아니다 (instead of 안이다)
있다 => 없다

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